🌟 How to RUN the day + Free journal

It's all in the small daily habits you do

Hey Flawsome Human,

Do you ever crawl into bed at night and feel like you’ve been run over by a steam roller?

… Because I have, many times.

Sometimes we let the day run us, and it’s ok.

But there’s things we can do to prevent this from happening.

Let’s just jump right into it today, no fluff.

💪How to RUN THE DAY💪

Here are a couple things you can do to really show up fully in your day.

1️⃣ Don’t touch your phone first thing in the AM: imagine opening your eyes and the first thing you see is a cease and desist. This happened in 2020 to me & it quite literally threw me into a spiral.

Go the first 30-60 minutes without looking at your phone (no emails, no social media). Take it one step further and use an old school alarm clock instead of your phone, and leave it out of your room so you’re not tempted to glance at those notifications when hitting that snooze button.

2️⃣ Touch grass: This doesn’t have to be literally (but I do think it’s so good for us). Make getting outside a priority. Whenever I am down, stressed, or anxious, the first thing I ask myself is, ‘when is the last time I spent time outside?” because nature is so grounding. Sneak in even 10 minutes outside and you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel.

3️⃣ Schedule in breaks for meals: it’s easy to miss meals or to eat & work at the same time. I remember working through right until the evening and then turned into a vacuum because I didn’t feed myself.

I take 3 breaks every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And I am present with myself for each of them - none of this multitasking shtuff. Meals taste so much better when you take your time, with no distractions.

4️⃣ Practice gratitude: it’s easy. Do it in bed first thing in the morning - think of 5 things you’re grateful for. Can be big, can be small. Can be right before bed. Can be in the middle of the day.

Grateful people are overall happier. When you’re happier, you show up better in the world. Sounds like a win to me?

5️⃣ Journal: Sometimes we get overwhelmed & it’s hard to process everything rattling around in our heads. Dump it out on paper. Whatever you got going on in that brain of yours. It will bring forth clarity, reduce stress, and it’s also nice to keep those journals to reflect on.

… I have 5 additional items in my latest podcast episode this week if you want more:

These little things make all the difference - I promise.

I also created a free 100 page journal that has prompts, daily quotes, and even mini challenges (you can learn more about this on my podcast).

Let me know what you think - you can find it here.

Stay Flawsome,
