šŸŒŸ How to reinvent yourself

You can reinvent yourself anytime & here's how...

Hey Flawsome Human,

Wassup? I have a question for youā€¦

How many times have you reinvented yourself?

I bet itā€™s been more than once.

I want to talk about reinvention & the process of reinventing yourself. Itā€™s something that happens in life, often, because well ā€” we change, our goals change, and our needs change.


Reinvention can happen in small ways, and big ways. If youā€™re looking to make improvements in your life, hereā€™s some things that can help:

1ļøāƒ£ Evaluate your Environment

Your surroundings play a significant role in your growth. If you feel stifled or unmotivated where you are, it might be time for a change. Consider if your current environment allows you to thrive. If not, donā€™t be afraid to explore new places or communities where you can tap into your full potential.

I felt stuck with my fitness routine & signed up to a new yoga studio. I felt stuck with my business so I started to reach out to people to build a support system. Environment is so important, really look at where youā€™re at.

2ļøāƒ£ Align Your Actions with Your Aspirations

Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become. Reflect on your daily habitsā€”are they helping you become the future version of yourself?

Start by making small changes that align with your goals, like adopting new routines or learning new skills. Over time, these actions will add up, leading to a transformed you.

Over a year ago I made the decision to cut out alcohol from my life because it was causing me to develop other habits that werenā€™t allowing me to grow or move forward in my life successfully.

Again, it could be big, it could be small. We are as good as our habits.

3ļøāƒ£ Embrace Learning & Get Curious

Reinvention often begins with curiosity. If you feel drawn to something new, dive in and explore it. Lifelong learning opens doors to opportunities you may never have considered before. Whether itā€™s a new career path or a hobby, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to incredible personal growth.

There are SO many resources available to us with the technology we have. Youtube, social media, online coursesā€¦ You can learn anything you want, at any time.

When I started my first business, one google search kickstarted the entire process:

ā€œBusiness workshop near meā€

I drove 45 minutes to the nearest business resource centre. Everything else just fell into place by staying curious.

I speak more on this in my podcast this week:

With all of this being said, I am currently getting settled in Austin Texas after a 24 hour road trip from Canada becauseā€¦ I am reinventing myself.

Is it scary? Yes.

Do I think Iā€™m going to grow from relocating? Absolutely.

We are capable of more than we think.

I hope you can make 1 small adjustment to your current life/routine to move the needle forward (it doesnā€™t have to be as drastic as moving to a different country). šŸ˜‰

Stay Flawsome,
