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  • 🌟 How to live with intention and get your dream life (and announcement)

🌟 How to live with intention and get your dream life (and announcement)

What you do today brings you closer or further from your goals

Hey Flawsome Human,

Happy Wednesday, I hope this week is treating you well.

Last week I spoke about reinvention. You can reinvent yourself at any point in your life.

This week I want to talk about intentions.

Because you can’t fully reinvent yourself if you aren’t clear on what it is you want.

Keep in mind this does not just have to be professionally - it can be in any area of your life. So let’s dig in.

(I have an announcement at the bottom of this email)


When you live with intention, you are deliberate in your actions, choices, and desires. Which brings you closer to your ultimate destination/goal.

1️⃣ Pick your dream destination

Where do you want to go? And be as specific as you can be. When you’re going somewhere in your car, you put the address into the GPS & it shows you exactly how long it will take, and the directions to get there.

If you just drive aimlessly, you won’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there, and you’ll waste resources (time, money, energy, gasoline)….

The dream destination has to be a F* YES!!!!!!!!!! It has to FEEL good. This is important.

2️⃣ Identify distractions

Whatever isn’t in alignment with that dream destination, say no. This becomes easier to do, the more clear you get on your goal.

When you say yes to every opportunity that crosses your path, not only are you wasting your time, but you’re delaying your trip (referring back to the GPS analogy).

3️⃣ Take inspired action

Reverse engineer it. What things can you do TODAY to bring you closer to that dream destination?

Write it down.

Start doing it daily - you’ll be surprised what a difference small habits can make. 1% better each day is 37% better over the span of a year.

We’re all doing our best - it’s natural to take a detour sometimes. And sometimes we get distracted by the shiny objects.

I speak more on this in my podcast this week:

Watch on Youtube (new studio reveal)

And drumroll……. 🥁🥁🥁🥁 I’m super excited to announce I’ve partnered with a team, and we built my dream studio that I am currently sitting in as I type this.

Because I was so deliberate with my intentions these past 6 months, I am now building a new project that will be launching soon.

I am going to be helping individuals unlock their authentic voice through personal branding, which will create new opportunities for growth, confidence, and meaningful impact.

The magnitude of your voice is underestimated.

More soon. 😉

Stay Flawsome,
