🌟 8 Daily Habits to Boost Your Mood

try these and you'll notice a difference

Hello, Flawsome human.

In the past year I have been on a health & wellness journey, and I think I’ve tried just about everything to feel my best.

I wanted to keep todays edition short, sweet, but valuable.

Here’s a list of things you can implement into your day to improve your mental & physical well-being.

🌟8 Daily Habits to Boost Your Mood🌟

1️⃣ Get outside: There was a study done in a Pennsylvania hospital on patients recovering from gallbladder surgery. They were placed in either A) a room with a window facing nature or B) no window, just a solid wall.

The patients facing the nature healed a day quicker on average, and needed less pain medication. Nature has been proven to reduce cortisol levels, lower your heart rate, and reduce blood pressure. Go for a stroll outside, or go sit on some grass (you’ll feel better).

2️⃣ Don’t touch your phone first thing: We’ve all done it. Don’t get into your social media or emails as soon as you open your eyes, as it can set the tone for your entire day. Start with something that makes you feel good & will get you in the right headspace so you can run your day (and not let it run you).

A lot of us use our phones as alarm clocks so it can be tricky, how about buying an old fashioned clock & leaving your phone in another room?

3️⃣ Move your body: This is how I start my day, and when you do something that challenges you early in the day, it equips you to handle whatever is thrown at you later on.

It doesn’t need to be an intense workout class, it can be a quick 10 minute walk outside, some stretching in your living room, or maybe it’s a few squats beside your desk. Any movement is better than no movement. We all know exercise is good for us.

4️⃣ Journal: Those who journal consistently have shown reduced levels of stress & anxiety, and increased mood. It also improves your memory! I journal almost daily and I notice the positive effects of it - and when I’m having a down day, I flip back to old entries and appreciate everything I’ve overcome.

Take 5-10 minutes and just brain dump on paper anything going on in your head.

5️⃣ Practice Gratitude: Did you know it’s been proven that people who consciously express gratitude regularly are happier and more fulfilled? Take 5 minutes every day to just recognize and appreciate all of the good you have in your life that you’re grateful for. This can be done in a journal, or just something you take time to think about.

6️⃣ Control the scroll: This one most of us struggle with, whether it be scrolling on social media or getting pulled into whatever notification pops up. I have two suggestions:

-Turn off your notifications completely to avoid distractions, or put your phone on silent mode

-If you’re REALLY addicted to the scroll (like me) use an app that locks you out of certain apps for whatever time you set it to. I personally use Freedom, I’m not affiliated with them but it’s made me incredibly productive.

7️⃣ Habit stack: To decrease resistance of implementing new habits, stack them to make it easier. For example, maybe it’s laying out your workout clothes the night before you get into bed (or sleeping in them like Michele Romanow does, whatever works 😉). One example for me personally is that I listen to personal development podcasts whenever I go for my daily nature walk. Find what works for you.

8️⃣ Take breaks & BE PRESENT: Many of us are multitaskers and we’ll grab our lunch while taking a call, or scroll emails while nibbling on a sandwich at our desk. I challenge you to schedule daily breaks and take them with zero distractions. Really be present with yourself and allow your brain to rest & recharge, so you prevent burnout and can continue showing up fully for the rest of your day.

When we feel our best, we can show up for others & give our best. It’s impossible to pour from an empty cup.

Taking time to prioritize your health is not time wasted, it’s an investment.

& don’t get down about neglecting yourself - we all fall off sometimes, what’s important is that you get back on.

Even trying one of the above practices can be helpful, you don’t need to do all 10. Your body & mind will thank you.

Stay Flawsome,
