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  • 🌟 3 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (and Why You Should)

🌟 3 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (and Why You Should)

my highlights were actually... lowlights

Hey Flawsome Human,

Hope your Wednesday is looking bright. ☀️

Let’s talk about comparison this week, because it’s something all of us have done at one point…

Comparison is a natural instinct, but when it becomes habitual, it steals our joy and self-worth. We get down on our luck.

I will admit, I did a lot of comparing this year. When everything is going ‘wrong’, it can be easy to fixate on the things you don’t have.

In this weeks edition, I’ll share some insights from my journey to help you break free from comparison and embrace your authentic self.


1️⃣ Remember: What You See Online Isn’t Always Real

Social media shows only the highlight reels of people's lives. We see the polished versions—photos from vacations, success stories, or perfect physiques—but rarely the struggles behind them.

Tip: Before comparing yourself to what you see online, remind yourself that you don’t have the full story. The picture-perfect moments are often curated, not candid. This goes for shiny things we see on LinkedIn, too. 😉

2️⃣ Use Comparison as Inspiration, Not a Benchmark

Comparison can be toxic, but it can also be a motivator if approached with the right mindset. Admiring someone’s confidence or success can inspire you to take action and work towards your goals—without feeling envious.

Tip: When you find yourself comparing, shift your focus. Ask, “What can I learn from this person’s journey?” instead of “Why don’t I have what they have?”

3️⃣ Appreciate What You Have

Focusing on what you don’t have fosters feelings of lack and dissatisfaction. Instead, cultivating gratitude for what you do have opens up space for more positive experiences. In my life, I realized that chasing external validation—through awards, recognition, or material achievements—never truly satisfied me.

Tip: Practice gratitude daily. List three things you’re thankful for each morning. It can be as simple as the roof over your head, a supportive friend, or even the opportunity to learn and grow.

In my podcast episode this week, I talk about my biggest ‘achievements’ and the truth behind each of them. Like… being the fittest I’ve ever been in my life, but also being the sickest I’ve ever been.

More tips & stories here:

Comparison is inevitable, but how we handle it is within our control. Embrace your journey, imperfections and all - because they make you, you. 😎

Celebrate your progress, focus on your unique path, and be mindful of the things you consume online. It can be easy to fall into the comparison trap.

Stay Flawsome,
